Why Electric Vehicles will appeal to more Car Buyers in Australia/NewZealand
Will Tax Incentives be provided for Electric Car purchases ?
Why should Australia and New Zealand become World Leaders in the development of Green Auto Technology ?
Why should Holden , Ford and Toyota become the leading Manufacturers of Electric vehicles in Australia and New Zealand ?
What Vision do we have to increase the number of Electric/Hybrid Vehicles on the road ?
Why should we reduce our dependence on foreign oil ?
What benefit will there be for the Australian Economy to develop Green Auto Technology ?
Why do we look at Developing Environment Friendly policies mainly from a Negative- Increase Taxes point of view ?
Why are we not giving more Tax Breaks to Business to invest in Green Technology ?
In a recent Report by Energeia it has been suggested that the number of Electric Vehicles on the road in Australia will inrease to over 100,000 by end of the decade .
These Reports are encouraging , but surely Australia can do a lot better than this , as we Purchase around 1 million Vehicles every year .
Can we help to Create a Community Focus to achieve over 1 Million Electric/Hybrid Vehicles on the road in Australia and New Zealand by 2015/2016 ?
Can we change the Direction of the Australian/New Zealand Auto Industry in 5 Years ?
Why is the Chevy Volt having a huge impact in the USA ?
Can we create sufficient Tax Breaks for Car Manufacturers to achieve these Goals ?
Australia and New Zealand are ideally suited to become World Leaders in the Development of Green Auto Technology .
Our best Universities should be set this task .
To create this Green Vision effectively we must move away from the Negative ideas that are restricting effective technological development . The concept of adding punitive Tax upon Tax upon Tax on Industry will not bring about the incentives required for Innovative Change .
Instead of Taxing the problem , Why not create Tax Breaks for the Green Solutions ?